Summer fruits and vegetables first soaked for half an hour

Summer is a period of high incidence of pesticide poisoning in fruits and vegetables, eating fruits and vegetables to prevent poisoning.

At present, vegetable pesticide poisoning is mostly organic phosphorus pesticide poisoning, inhibiting the central nervous system of the human body. Its initial symptoms are similar to those of summer heat stroke. Symptoms appearing within half an hour to eight hours after poisoning are dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, tiredness, weakness in the extremities, and blurred vision. Experts suggest that once there are symptoms of excessive pesticide poisoning in vegetables, the poisoning person and family should first calm down and take necessary first-aid measures, such as quickly moving the patient to a ventilated place, releasing the collar and trousers, and performing evacuation. If necessary, poisoners should be sent to the hospital immediately.

In order to eliminate the "killer" of pesticides in vegetables, experts recommend that after buying vegetables, they must be rinsed several times more carefully with fresh water. It is best to soak for 20 to 30 minutes with alkaline water (such as wash water, etc.).