The feed technology of pellet feed

First, feeding method
1. Livestock and poultry must be fed for 6 to 7 days prior to feeding to gradually feed their pellet feed. Feed 2 times daily during feeding and let them feed freely. In the evening, make up a small amount of hay to increase the digestibility. The daily feed of pelleted feed is based on a small amount of residue in the daily feed trough. Generally, sheep with a daily weight of 30 - 40 kg give a daily dose of 1. 5 kg and a daily weight of 40 - 50 kg of sheep has a daily dose of 1.8 kg. Feeding pelleted feed requires more water than when grazing, and livestock and poultry should not eat when water is scarce. Therefore, drinking water regularly should be no less than 2 times daily. It is more ideal to have an automatic drinker.
2. The pellet feed will swell and crush when it meets water, affecting the feed intake and feed utilization. Therefore, the rainy season should not be kept in the open. It usually takes place during the withered season to avoid the rainy season.
3, before the start of feeding, insecticide and medicine bath must be carried out. Symptomatic treatment of livestock and poultry with other diseases should be used to make better use of feed. Appropriately extended feeding times will result in greater compensatory weight gain to achieve the desired feeding effect.
Second, formula feed according to the type of livestock, production performance and physiological conditions, the grass-based diet with the main, can be processed into a certain dosage form after the feed, you can feed directly to livestock and poultry. For example, a cow with a diameter of 160 mm and a thickness of 10 mm can be processed to feed cattle, or a 160 mm, a diameter of 170 mm and a 60 mm piece of grass; sheep can be processed into a cylindrical or square columnar particle with a length of 10 mm and a radius of 5 mm.