Myth: Immediately after meals, nutrition is difficult to absorb

"Hundreds of steps after a meal" is a habit of many people, but experts believe that this may cause the loss of nutrients in the body.

This is because the food after a meal needs a lot of blood to help the operation of the digestive organs. If you exercise or walk immediately, the blood volume of the limbs will increase, which will reduce the gastrointestinal blood supply, affect the digestive function, and it will not be conducive to food digestion. It affects the absorption of nutrients. Some people also like to take a bath immediately after a meal. The skin capillaries expand and congest blood, which in turn causes insufficient blood flow in the digestive system and affects the digestion and absorption of food.

So when will the above activities be performed after a meal? According to research, food stays in the digestive tract for about 5 hours, protein is about 2 hours, and sugar is about 1 hour. Experts suggest that after a meal break from 30 minutes to 1 hour, perform gentle activities.