Artificial Cultivation Technique of Taxus cuspidata

Dairy cow trypanosomiasis is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. It mainly manifests as progressive anemia, wasting, jaundice, high fever, accompanied by surface edema, ulceration of the tail section, suppuration, and shedding of blood sickness parasites. Dangerous, now the report of the diagnosis and treatment is as follows:

Abstract: Taxus cuspidata is an endemic species in northeast China. It is the only species in the taxaceae family. It is a single species and endangered plant. It is a kind of protected plant in Jilin Province. Its component taxane has a very high medicinal value. In recent years, the damage has been severe. This article is the author's actual cultivation in conjunction with the actual, for your reference in the actual production. Key words: Taxus cuspidata; artificial cultivation; technology Taxus cuspidate sieb. et Zucc., also known as yew, yew, jumu, rice. For taxica Taxus Taxus Taxus plant. Evergreen trees, negative tree species. Located in the southeast of Jilin Province, eastern Heilongjiang Province and eastern Liaoning. Japan, North Korea, Russia (Far East) are also distributed. There is a very small amount of distribution in the Zhongshan plant resources area in Ji’an City. The altitude is between 600m and 1200m. There are well-drained forests with humus, often mixed with korean, spruce, stinking fir, maple, and colorwood. Paclitaxel is extracted from whole plants for the treatment of diabetes. The fake seed coat is sweet and fresh, and the leaves are toxic. Slow growth, crown-shaped beauty, for the garden to watch the good species.
First, choose the site and site preparation to choose the shady slope, sparse woodland, soil loose and moist fertile, good drainage of sandy loam cultivation. Wetlands, clay or dry highlands are not suitable for planting. The nursery sites should be selected near the water source to loosen the fertile, sandy loam with good drainage and the best shaded land. On the selected land, apply more than 3,000 kilograms of manure per acre, plow 25-30 centimeters deep, and plow the whole plant to make 1-1.2 meters wide, 15 centimeters high and 10-15 meters long.
Second, breeding methods are seed propagation and cutting propagation. 1. Seed breeding. The seeds mature from September to October, and they need to be harvested in time. The red artificial seed coat should be removed by washing with water, washed, and then stored in wet sand after soaking. The seed ripening period is long and has double dormancy characteristics. It takes two winters and one summer to germinate. The best autumn harvest autumn sowing, spring sowing in mid-April, late, sowing seedlings on the seedbed, horizontal sorghum line spacing 20 cm open 5 cm shallow ditch, even sowing, cover soil 2-3 cm, sowing rate of 5 per square meter 10 grams. Slightly suppress after sowing. More than 20 days after sowing, they can emerge. Seedling shade shading net, light transmittance of 20% -30%, drought should be irrigated in time, timely weeding soil loosening.
2. Cutting propagation. From May to June at the turn of spring and summer. From 4 years old mother plants, the cuttings were cut at a length of 15 cm, and the 2 year old shoots had a higher survival rate for cuttings. To promote early rooting, the base of the cuttings can be immersed in 100 ppm of ??-indoleacetic acid or 100 ppm of indole acetic acid solution for 3 hours and then inserted into the open bed of the same size as the nursery pot. Or insert cuttings with vermiculite and weathered sand (1: 1) as the substrate, and cut the lower branches and needles of the cuttings before inserting. Insert a depth of 3-5 cm, spacing 810 cm. After plugging, it was irrigated with water, and the plug was moisturized with a membrane arch and sprayed twice a day. Spray water once a day two weeks later. Shade net shading, hair rooting after a month and a half. After rooting, they can be transplanted once on the nursery pot, with a 30 cm spacing and a 10-15 cm spacing. Regular watering to keep the soil moist, loose soil and weeding no weeds, can be topdressing inorganic or organic fertilizers, organic fertilizers as well.
3. Planting and cultivation. After 2-3 years of seedlings, they can be planted on Yinshan or Pingdi by 80 cm spacing and 70 cm spacing. In the flat land planting, we must apply enough manure and appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium inorganic fertilizer in the seedling pit. Before the planting, the carbendazim solution was used for soaking and disinfection. After the seedlings were implanted in the pits, the roots were watered with a water-spooning 1000-time solution “Lotus Soil” and other soil residue-degrading agents, and then the rooting water was perfused. After 7-10 days of colonization, 97% of "Yashimeiling" was used to irrigate the rhizosphere of 3000 times liquid to eliminate soil-borne diseases and prevent root diseases such as standing and rooting. 7-10 days once, even irrigation twice.
Third, field management should be strengthened after field management. 1. Watering. Watering should always be done within six months after planting to keep the soil moist, otherwise it will affect survival. Watering should be timely and timely during the growing season.
2. Weeding the weeds. During the growing season, weeding occurs once in summer and autumn. It is also possible to combine in-breeding dwarf crops to make fields weed free.
3. Top dressing. Combined with loose soil weeding for topdressing, apply 5–10 kg per plant. Take a circular fertilization.
4. Shade. In the first year after planting, shady nets must be used for shading. In the second year, shady plants such as corn can be shaded. Shading is not necessary after three years of planting.
Fourth, harvesting and processing General growth of more than 5 years can receive some of the branches and leaves medicinal, more than 9 years can be a large number of harvesting medicinal purposes. After collecting for several years, all the trunks can be cut down, and the sawn section can be sun dried and used as medicine. It can also be used as root medicine. Drying rate of 40% -50%. Quality standards: No worms and rot.


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