How to plant a small eggplant

The area of ​​vegetable production in China has increased rapidly. Generally, vegetables in the mainland are nearly saturated in the market. In order to open up new sources of income, some vegetable farmers began to look at new vegetables such as pocket vegetables, flowers and vegetables.
What are the characteristics of these vegetables and how should they be grown? ... At the request of readers, this edition will introduce some of this information to you in the future for your reference. Today we will introduce the cultivation techniques of the pocket eggplant first.

Early spring cultivation techniques

Cultivation facilities and time are generally cultivated using facilities such as solar greenhouses, plastics, small and medium sheds, and windbreak impotence that are slightly inferior in insulation properties.
When cultivated in a solar greenhouse where insulation properties are somewhat inferior, North China uses solar greenhouses or Yangshuo for breeding. The sowing date is early November, and the seedling age is 110 days to 120 days. The planting will be carried out in mid-February and harvested in mid-to-late April. The seeding period for the seedlings in the electrothermal hotbed is early December, and the seedling age is 70 days, and planting in mid-February.
When plastic greenhouses are used for cultivation in North China, the seeding period is about mid-December, seedling age is about 110 days, planting in the middle and late March, and harvesting in early May. When using seedbed nursery, the sowing date is mid-January, seedling age is about 70 days, and plants are planted in mid-late March.
Using wind-blown Yangshuo cultivation, the seeding period for raising seedlings in Yangshuo was at the end of November, planting at the end of February and harvesting at the end of April.
When using small plastic sheds to cultivate, the sowing and planting period covered with grass rakes is ahead of the plastic shed, after windbreak impotence, and when grass covered rakes are covered, it is 7 to 10 days later than plastic sheds.
Seedlings in order to ensure the normal development of seedlings, the best use of electric hotbeds. The power density of the electric hotbed in North China is preferably 100 watts per square meter.
Seeds should be treated 5 days to 7 days before sowing. Usually soaked with warm soup at 50 °C ~ 55 °C; or soaked with 1% formalin solution for 15 ~ 20 minutes, then wash with water. Disinfect and soak for 4 to 6 hours. After dipping, remove and dry the surface moisture, wrap it with gauze, place it in a constant temperature box, keep it at 30°C during the day and 18°C ​​during the night, and use the warming and germination method to germinate. About 5 days to 7 days to sprout.
The days of sowing and sowing should be selected in the morning. Try to fight for a few days of warm days after sowing. The irrigation should not be too large before sowing, so as to soak the soil layer of 10 cm to 12 cm. Seed sowing after water infiltration, 7 grams to 10 grams of seeds per square meter. About 30 to 40 grams of seeds are needed for each hectare planted. Earth cover 1 cm to 1.5 cm after sowing. The plastic film was detained and covered with grasshoppers at night.
Seedling management during the seedling period to maintain 25 °C ~ 30 °C during the day, at night 16 °C ~ 20 °C, about 5 days to 7 days to emerge. After the seedlings have been unearthed, the temperature is appropriately lowered to prevent the seedlings from growing in length. Keep it at 25°C during the day and around 15°C at night.
From the time of sowing till the seedlings, the cold bed nursery is 60 days to 80 days, and the hotbed nursery is about 30 days.
Sub-seedlings can be used in greenhouses or Yangshuo with good insulation properties. When conditions are available, nutrients can be used to separate seedlings. Choose sunny and warm weather in the morning. The spacing is 10 cm 10 cm.
5 days to 7 days before planting, ventilation and cooling should be strengthened. During the day, maintain 20°C to 25°C and 15°C at night to exercise the anti-low temperature capability of the seedlings and improve the adaptability and survival rate after planting.
The suitable colonization period for early planting in planting springs is to be planted when the ground temperature at 10 centimeters in the facility is stable above 12 °C. 15 days to 20 days before planting, the protection facilities should be covered with plastic film and covered with grasshoppers at night to increase the temperature.
At the time of planting, select the warm and sunny weather in the morning. Be sure to bring bandits to raise the roots to reduce the damage. Planting density spacing is 40 cm and 50 cm. The planting depth is slightly deeper than the original seedbed depth. Immediately after planting, water and plant seedlings.
Immediately after planting, plastic film shall be detained and covered with grasshoppers at night to increase the temperature in the facility.
Management of seedlings in field management: All insulation measures should be taken to increase the temperature within the protection facilities. By cleaning the film, the light is improved, and the temperature of the grass seed is kept in a timely manner. The temperature is maintained at 25° C. to 30° C. during the day and 15° C. to 20° C. at night, so as to promote mild seedlings. After easing the seedlings, the temperature should be appropriately reduced, and the temperature should be kept above 25°C during the day and above 15°C during the night. After the planting water is slightly dry, sunny and warm weather should be selected for cultivating loose soil.
Management of the fruiting period: After the eggplant is rejuvenated, cover and ventilation are used to keep the air temperature within the protected area within a proper temperature range, 25°C to 30°C during the day and 15°C to 18°C ​​during the night. Insulation opaque cover should be covered as soon as possible to cover the cover, to extend the time to see light. On sunny days, the plastic film can be fully opened and the plants can receive natural light for 5 hours to 6 hours.
Outcome management: In the result period, lighting management should be strengthened to maximize the lighting time. During the day when the outside temperature is higher than 20°C, the plastic film can be peeled off to allow the plants to receive natural light. When the outside temperature is stable at 15°C or more at night, all coverings may be removed.
The proper harvesting period of harvested eggplant was before the “sola that was the egg” closed, ie, where the sepal was connected to the fruit. When the white part of the peel was few, it indicated that the fruit grew slowly and was transferred to the seed development period.
Harvest time is appropriate in the morning or evening. Strong at noon, eggplant skin color is dark, high temperature is easy to wilt, not resistant to storage, it should not be harvested.
Types and varieties
1, feather black mouth pill eggplant leaves smaller, high stem, short internodes, branches open. The fruit is long oval and dark purple in the epidermis. Fruit weight is about 10 grams. This kind of very early ripening can be harvested 10 days after flowering.
2, Shan Zichang long eggplant plant shape semi-upright, more lateral branches, larger leaves, short internodes. The fruit is slender, 15 cm to 16 cm in length and 50 to 55 g in weight.
3, the bride grows strong, the plant shape is short, medium open, stem blue. Lavender flowers, early results, long results. The fruit is long and straight, about 18 cm to 22 cm long, 3 cm to 3.5 cm in diameter, and about 90 grams in weight. The bottom of the peel is white, with beautiful vertical stripes of light red, green fruit, pure white flesh, and delicate quality. This kind of premature, resistant to bacterial wilt.
4. Pills Eggplant The fruits of this series are individually weighed below 50 grams. The skin color is purple black, white, purple, green, red and other colors, the fruit is round or oval.

Wintering cultivation techniques

Planting facilities and time spent most of winter cultivation in the cold winter season. Therefore, the cultivation facility must be a solar greenhouse with good insulation properties.
The sowing and seeding period for eggplant cultivation in winter is from the end of August to the middle of September. In the warm, sunny autumn, strong seedlings are planted and planted in the greenhouse from the end of October to the beginning of November. Harvesting begins around mid-December until the fall of the following year.
Nursery nursery bed should be built in the wind barrier Yangshuo, small arch shed. When conditions permit, it is best to build directly in a greenhouse.
Pre-planting seed treatment method is same as early spring cultivation. Seeding method refers to early spring cultivation.
Water immediately after emergence. After the seedlings are flushed, the seedlings should be planted in time and weeding in time.
When 1 to 2 true leaves are needed, they should be divided into seedlings. The construction of split seedlings is the same as the cultivation of seedlings. The seedling spacing is 10 cm and 10 cm. Subsequent watering after seedlings, after the first seedlings from 1 to 2 days at noon, from 10 to 2 in the afternoon, you can take a shady shade on the seedlings to prevent the seedlings from wiping.
Subsequent to seedlings, seedlings should be watered in a timely manner, every 5 days to 7 days 1 water, keep the soil within the soil see dry see wet. And loosen soil 2 to 3 times in time. For example, if the soil lacks fertilizer, compound fertilizer can be applied once every 10 days to 15 days, and the amount of 100 kg to 150 kg per hectare can be used.
During the seedling period of winter eggplant cultivation, the ambient temperature is higher in the early period and large ventilation or shading measures should be adopted to reduce the seedbed temperature. At the late stage of the nursery, the outside temperature gradually decreases. The temperature should be maintained by covering the film, and the seedlings should not be chilled.
5 days to 7 days before colonization, ventilation should be reduced. The controlled temperature conditions are the same as those for early spring ripening.
Planting large water cuts 5 days to 7 days prior to planting for transplanting with soil picking when planting.
In the autumn, seedlings grow rapidly and their seedling age is 50 days to 60 days. The criteria for strong seedlings are 8 to 9 leaves, 20 cm high and stem diameter 0. 3 cm to 0.4 cm.
A large amount of organic basal fertilizer should be applied to the planting cultivation area. In combination with deep-turning, the organic fertilizer is applied to 75,000 to 100,000 kilograms per hectare, and 750 kg of superphosphate or 750 kg of compound fertilizer is added. Afterwards, the sampan was made into a sorghum with a height of 13 centimeters, a width of 50 centimeters, and a width of 60 centimeters.
At the time of planting, two lines were planted on the sorghum and the spacing was 38 cm and 50 cm. After planting mulch, water dipping.
Field management light regulation: Short winter lighting time, weak light intensity, should strengthen lighting management. In the case of daylight that can reach the sheds, as soon as possible to cover late cover grass rake. Clean plastic film in time to maintain good light transmittance.
Temperature Management: When the temperature falls below 13°C at night, the plastic film should be detained. After the temperature rises during the day, the membrane is ventilated. As the outside temperature drops, the vents should get smaller and smaller and cover the grasshoppers at night. Keep 25°C to 30°C during the day and 15°C or more at night.
In winter, in addition to the insulation of the greenhouse film and grass seedlings, it is also possible to add a small arch to the earthworms. In addition to the general cold insulation measures, it can also spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 0.5% sucrose solution, or antifreeze, every 3 days to 5 days 1 times to improve the plant's cold resistance.
In the spring, when the temperature in the shed exceeds 30°C, it can be ventilated, exhausted, and cooled. When the outside temperature is above 15°C, the grasshoppers can be removed and the plastic film can be opened and ventilated overnight. In summer, all vents should be opened to cool down, and the top film should be used to shade and reduce the indoor temperature.
Fertilizer management: The fertilizer and water management of winter eggplant cultivation can be divided into the following 6 stages:
Flowering and budding stage: After planting in November, it should be ploughed by cultivating loose soil and less watering. As long as the soil is not dry, it will not need watering and no fertilizer, preventing the greenhouse temperature from being too high and watering too much and being long.
The winter period: from mid-December to early February, the lowest temperature during this period, the plants grow slowly, and can be top-dressed without watering.
Early spring harvest: Outside temperatures gradually increase from February to March. Plant growth rate, increase the amount of harvest, should be top dressing 2 to 3 times. For each hectare in the sulcus, 750 to 1500 kg of cooked bean cake, or 225 to 300 kg of compound fertilizer, is used. Combined with top-dressing water, keep the soil dry and wet, generally 7 days to 10 days.
Harvesting period: From the end of March to May, the external environmental conditions are appropriate during this period, and the eggplant enters the full fruit period. At this time should be a lot of fertilizer. For every 10 days, 300 kg to 370 kg of compound fertilizer is applied per hectare. When conditions permit, combined spraying can be applied topically 0.2%-0.3% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or urea solution, or 5% of the leaching of plant ash, or 0.3% of titanium is obtained, generally 10 Once a day. In combination with topdressing, timely watering, generally 5 days to 7 days a water.
Late harvest: From June to July, the weather was hot and the market price dropped, resulting in a decrease in harvest volume. If you pull out in July, you can skip top dressing. If the person pulls out after the frost in late October, he should still chase 1 fat every 10 days, mainly with nitrogen fertilizer, combined with water irrigation.
The peak season of autumn harvest: From August to mid-October, the outside climate is suitable, and the second harvest peak of eggplant occurs again. In early August, cultivating and weeding should be carried out, and on both sides of the earthworms, we should chase cake-fat fertilizer on both sides, applying 1500 kilograms per hectare, and then applying urea twice, each at 300 kilograms. Watering in conjunction with timely fertilization, keep the soil see dry see wet, generally 5 days to 7 days a water.
Harvesting the root of the eggplant and harvesting the eggplant should be done early so as not to consume too much nutrients, affecting the vegetative growth of the plant, and affecting the flowers and fruits behind.

This project Gannan quality navel orange whole fruit (not peeled) as raw materials, using self-developed patent Orange surface sterilization technology to maximize retained a whole pieces of all Orange essence (Orange: Shun Qi, phlegm, pulp: fiber laxative, fruit seeds: allergic inflammation, juice: whitening detox).

Conventional enzyme production is mainly produced by hand, hand-sliced, hand-fermentation, the company every step of the process are used self-developed technology and equipment to automate production. Moreover, the conventional enzyme production have adopted a fermentation technology, enzyme often taste discomfort, sour and other issues, I produced using a variety of enzymes, probiotics composite grade fermentation technology, fermentation at different times with different strains, and two or three times through fermentation, enzymes such pure taste, streptozotocin balanced nutrients. Scientific and standardized process:

I produced using enzymes navel cleaning, sterilization, slice, fermentation (fermentation grade composite multi-strain), solid-liquid separation, bottling and other steps. Each step developed a patented automated production equipment, fully automated production, to avoid the traditional manual production workers are not standardized, easy to pollution, low production efficiency, product quality is unstable defects.

Companies registered capital of 35 million yuan, the end of 2014 the total assets of 48.69 million yuan, including fixed assets of 37.52 million yuan. The company's existing cooperation Orange cultivation base 7043.5 acres, the company production base is located in Jiangxi County Tech Industrial Park Chu Tan industrial area, covers an area of 120 acres, it has built a standard plant 9,000 square meters, Nissan 6000 kg Orange enzymes and other liquid enzyme products. Enzyme, known as enzyme, refers to a polymer substance having biocatalytic functionality. In the catalytic reaction system an enzyme, the reactant molecules are known as substrates, enzyme substrates by catalytic conversion to another molecule. Almost all cellular activity of enzymes involved in the process are required to improve efficiency. Similar to other non-biological catalysts, enzymes chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy to accelerate the rate of the reaction, most of the enzyme catalyzed reaction rate can be increased a million times; in fact, the enzyme is to provide an activation energy needs than another low way, so that more particles to have less than the activation energy of the reaction kinetic energy, thus speeding up the reaction rate. Enzyme as a catalyst, in itself is not consumed during the reaction, it does not affect the chemical equilibrium reactions. Positive enzyme catalysis, but also a negative catalytic effect, not only to accelerate the reaction rate, but also to reduce the reaction rate. And other non-living catalysts is different, having a high degree of specificity of enzyme, only a catalytic reaction or produce a particular specific configuration.

Orange Enzyme Solution

Orange Enzyme Solution,Enzyme Essence Liquid,Fresh Orange Fermentation

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