Cherry cultivation techniques

Cherry is ready for the market at the end of spring and early summer. It is the earliest mature fruit tree in the Yangtze River valley and Huaibei region. The fruit growth period is short, from flowering to harvesting takes only 40 to 60 days, the field management work is lighter and the production cost is lower. The fruit is bright in color, delicious in taste and rich in iron. Apart from fresh food, it can be used for desserts or high-class banquets. It can also be processed into canned sugar, candied fruit, preserved fruit, juice and other products. In particular, the sweet cherries have a large fruit size, thick flesh, and high hardness, and are particularly suitable for processing. The domestic and foreign markets have a large demand and high selling prices, but the current domestic planting area is small and has a high development value in the Huaibei region. Dwarf cherries and Chinese cherry plants are small and have long and long lifespans. They are also suitable for garden cultivation and greenhouse cultivation.
The main species and variety of cherries are plants of the genus Prunus of the family Rosaceae. The main types of fruit tree cultivation in production include Chinese cherries, European sweet cherries (referred to as sweet cherries) and European sour cherries (referred to as sour cherries).
The fine varieties of Chinese cherries include golden red cherry of Taihe in Anhui, sweet cherry in Dazuzui mouth, Dawolou in Zaozhuang in Shandong, red cherry in Tengxian, Dongtang cherry in Nanjing, Jiangsu, and short-handed cherry in Zhuji, Zhejiang. The fine varieties of sweet cherries are Daizi, Red Cherry, Renyi, Satojin, Naon, Red Light, Hongyan, Jiahong, Juhong, and Bin Ku. The sour cherry varieties are sour and astringent. They are mainly used for processing. They are resistant to pods, cold, and late flowering. They are also good rootstocks for sweet cherries.
Growth results The habit of cherry root growth requires strict soil permeability. When the clay soil or soil is poorly managed, the root distribution becomes significantly shallower and leads to premature aging of the ground.
China's cherry tree growth is weak, mostly in small trees or shrubs. Sweet cherries are dry and strong and grow tall. Sour cherry trees are shrubs or small trees.
The germination rate of Chinese cherries is higher than that of sweet cherries. The sprouts of the former can germinate almost entirely; the number and longevity of cryptic buds are more than that of sweet cherries and longer than those of Chinese cherries, and they are the basis for the renewal of late twigs. The branching force differs depending on the species and variety. Chinese cherries are generally stronger than sweet cherries. With the increase of age, the branching force weakened significantly. The annual branches can be roughly divided into growth branches and result branches. After entering the result period, the growth of shoots becomes smaller. Branches originally used for growing branches (such as the extension branches of the branches of various levels) often form flower buds at the base and form leaf buds in the middle and upper parts. Some people call it mixed branches. Such shoots have the triple effect of expanding the crown, forming new fruit branches and flowering results. Other results The branches can be divided into four groups: long fruiting branches, middle fruiting branches, short fruiting branches, and bouquet-like fruiting branches. In general, the strong branching species and varieties play an important role in the formation of yield from the initial fruit stage to the early fruit stage. On the contrary, the weak branching cultivars, or the large trees in the full fruiting period, mainly produce fruit in the form of bouquet-like fruit branches and short fruit branches.
Flower buds lateral. The difference from other stone fruit trees is that the flower buds on the long fruiting branches are more likely to be born on the base and the lower part of the shoots, and there are very few double buds present, so after the flowering results, the part is bald. Short fruit branches and fruit-like branches have strong strength, long life span, continuous uniaxial extension and result for many years, and are the main result of most sweet cherry varieties. One flower bud contains 1 to 5 flowers, racemose or clustered. Most varieties of Chinese cherries can be self-cultivation, and the vast majority of sweet cherry cultivars are cross-fruited, requiring planting of pollinated varieties, and sometimes cross-pollination incompatibility. However, in recent years, China has introduced a number of fine varieties that are self-sufficient and more resistant to cracking, such as Stanley and Rabins.
The cherry fruit has a short development period and, like peaches, has a two-speed long-term and a slow-growing period with a hardened core. There are two kinds of flesh, soft meat and hard meat. The crisp and hard varieties are generally more resistant to storage and transportation.
Cultivation techniques
1. The breeding and planting of Chinese cherry twigs have strong rooting ability, and they are often propagated by cuttings, and the survival rate can reach 80% to 90%. Cuttings should be suitable for use with annual branches and cuttings are inserted before spring sap flow. The cuttings are 15 cm to 20 cm in length, and 2/3 of the soil is put in. Then, the cover soil is leveled with the cuttings or the tip height is 1 cm to 2 cm. When a small amount of seedlings can be propagated, ramets or strips can be used. Sweet cherry must be grafted. Anvil with grass cherries (a type of Chinese cherries with a strong affinity for sweet cherries), other available for skin cherry, sour cherries and cherries. The latter two stocks have a certain dwarfing effect. The introduction of the British dwarf anvil Corte in recent years has allowed the tree to be doubled. Buds or branches can be.
Chinese cherry has strong adaptability and can be planted in Jianghuai area. The sweet cherry climate is poorly adaptable. In areas south of the Huaihe River, the temperature and humidity are high and should not be planted; otherwise, the branches and leaves may be prolonged and the results may be unfavorable. The fruit ripening period may occur during the rainy season and it may easily cause fruit cracking and fruit rot. Soils that are well-ventilated and well-drained and that are kept wet are ideal. Planting sites also choose to enter into frost and shelter.
To plant sweet cherries, a good pollination tree must be selected and planted. When Nayong and Binku are the main cultivars, they can be equipped with topaz, big purple and early purple as pollination trees; when red light and big purple are the main cultivars, they can be used with Nayong and Topaz. However, Naon and Hamak showed incompatibility after pollination. The red and giant red varieties can be pollinated trees. In addition, the pollens of both Stanley and Rabins have strong affinity and are good pollination varieties for selection. Pollination trees generally account for 30% to 40% of the total. The sweet cherries used for canning should also be selected for yellow varieties of large fruit and hard meat, such as Naon, bananas, and Rennie.
Seedlings can be planted in autumn or spring. Immediately after planting, water is poured once, and the soil is kept in place, or the tree disk is covered with a mulch, which is conducive to improving the survival rate of the plant and the early growth of the plant. The spacing varies depending on the size of the crown. China's cherry tree crown is small, generally 4 to 5 meters, and the sweet cherry canopy is relatively large. It should be 4 to 6 meters. In the lowland or dwarf cultivation, the row spacing can be appropriately reduced.
2. Plastic pruning China's cherry dry is not strong and more than the school, generally more natural cluster-shaped tree. No trunk or trunk is extremely short. From the near ground, 4 to 5 main branch branches are cultivated. In winter, the canopy is appropriately shortened, and the main branch (side branch) is selected. In the growing period, the new shoots are prosperous and can be picked up early (6 months ago) to promote the secondary branch and accelerate the formation of the crown. Generally within three years to complete the plastic surgery.
The sweet cherry is strong, and it is usually thought that the natural happy shape or the natural plexiform shape tree is formed quickly, the pruning is light, the result is early, and it is suitable for close planting. The former tree-shaped plastic process can refer to peach. In addition, evacuated layered trees can also be used in dry, strong layers (such as Nagón). However, this tree is tall and inconvenient to manage, and because of the large amount of pruning, it often delays results. If a dwarfing anvil is used, the tree structure can be simplified, and a free-spindle or trunk-shaped tree shape can be used to accelerate the formation.
Pruning in order to promote the early results of saplings, early high yield, in addition to the backbone of the branches required by the plastic section, the rest of the branches of moderate growth more slowly put in order to promote the formation of medium and short fruit branches, as soon as possible results. Standing branches and dense branches need to be removed. Branches with small angles should adjust their angles during the growth period. During the full fruit period, the 2 to 3 year old shoots with short fruiting branches and bouquet-like fruit branches should be properly retracted to stimulate vegetative growth and the formation of new fruit branches, delaying the aging of the resulting branch groups and the outward movement of the resulting parts. After entering the aging period, Chinese cherries can often use the pre-report rate to update the main branch; sweet cherries can use the bud buds to update their skills year after year. To big branches should be carried out after fruit picking.
3. Soil and fertilizer water management and control of the promotion of flower cherry root distribution, especially the sweet cherry with the tree age, often susceptible to drought, wind damage and frost damage, after planting need to deepen the soil every year to deepen the hole, deepen the distribution of the root. According to the characteristics of early and short cherry fruit growth, fertilization should be based on post-fertilizer and pre-winter basal fertilizer to promote flower bud differentiation and increase tree storage nutrition. In addition, appropriate top-dressing (mainly available nitrogen fertilizers) and extra-root topdressing (spraying 0.1% to 0.3% urea or 600-fold potassium dihydrogen phosphate during flowering) during flowering and fruiting promote fruiting rate and promotion. The growth of branches and leaves has obvious effects.
The lack of water in the soil often causes cherries to drop fruit, and from the time of flowering to the drought before harvest, adequate irrigation should be performed. The cherry newspaper system requires strict conditions for soil ventilation, and the amount of water per irrigation should be less, and timely cultivating and soil conservation. Where there are no irrigation conditions, tree trays can be used for grass protection. This is good for improving cherry fruit quality and berry quality. After entering the mature period, it is easy to cause cracking over the rainfall. In addition to selecting anti-cracking fruit varieties and doing field drainage work, spray 72% calcium hydroxide or 54% calcium chloride solution on the berry for 2 to 3 weeks before harvesting, spraying once every 5 to 7 days. Reduce cracking.
In coastal areas, in order to prevent the lodging of young trees, we must also do a good job in earth-cultivation work. We must master Chunpei Qiuyu and do not cultivate earth for a long time around the main trunk.
Cherry, especially sweet cherries, saplings are prone to grow and it is difficult to form flower buds and cause large canopies. In addition to the use of dwarfing anvils and other measures to reduce the growth potential, when the cherries begin to grow (Chinese cherries can also be harvested), leaf sprays of 250 to 300 parts per million (250 ppm to 300 ppm) ) The concentration of paclobutrazol solution has a pronounced effect of long shoots and early fruits.
Major diseases and pests and their control Many diseases and pests of cherries are the same as those of other stone fruit trees. Reference can be made to prevention and control. The diseases that damage cherry are perforation, root rot, and flu disease. Root rot occurs in the early fruit trees, causing root and neck ulcers. Control methods: The main purpose is to avoid long-term soil cultivation in the roots and necks of plants, and prevent the underground pests from infesting the bark. At the same time, we must constantly check, find the diseased plants, timely cure, scrape and use Bordeaux pulp or stone flow mixture disinfection. Root rot is severe and can also restore the growth of the shoots through spring bridges. The pests that injure the cherries mainly include red neck beetles, golden wire giardworms, small penetrating moths, ball scale scale insects and boat-shaped caterpillars. The small larvae are one year old and the larvae are harmed within the large branch of the cortex. The prevention and control measures are mainly spraying insects at the peak of adult emergence, applying white anti-spawning on the branches, and promptly killing or excavating the larvae when they are excreted in the field.
The cherry fruit harvested, stored and processed is extremely resistant to storage and transportation, and is sold on the spot in fresh local produce. When the berries have the inherent color of the cultivar, and the flesh begins to soften, it is harvested and the food quality is high. Sweet cherries should be harvested at the time of ripening in advance when they are sold in the field or canned. Whole-tree fruits are harvested 2 to 3 times according to maturity. Sweet cherry sprays gibberellin solution at a concentration of 10 parts per million to 20 parts per million (ppm) at the end of the nucleus sclerosis, which can delay berry ripening for 3 to 4 days and increase fruit and flesh firmness. , is conducive to storage and processing. Chinese cherries can also be tried. If the market supply is too concentrated and short-term storage is required, the low temperature of 0.6C to OC and the relative humidity of 85% to 90% should be maintained. Or hang deep well on the surface of the water about 30 cm.
Cherry processing products are more, all require certain equipment. Here is a method for processing matured fruit into cherry jam. First remove the remaining fruit to the core, rinse with clean water, put it in an aluminum pan, add a small amount of boiled water for about 15 minutes to soften it. The pulp is then beaten and concentrated with sugar. Flesh and sugar can be in a ratio of 2:1. The first half of the sugar and pulp boiled, until completely dissolved and then add the other half sugar boiled, until the soluble solids up to 55%, you can pan.

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