After the cherry blossom management

Big cherry spring flowers summer fruit. Recently, many cherry growers have called to inquire about post-harvest management techniques. To this end, the reporter visited Zhang Zhicheng, an expert in fruit and fruit at Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University. Zhang Zhicheng reminded the farmers that the cherry blossoms matured more than 30 days after flowering. Currently, it is in the critical period of technology management from flower bloom to fruit ripening. The fruit growers must manage the following points well.

Thinning fruit: After physiological fruiting, the small fruit, malformed fruit, wounded fruit, and excessive fruit of slender branches should be removed so that the tree can be reasonably burdened, the tree vigor can be balanced, and the nutritional supply of the preserved fruit can be improved, which is beneficial to the improvement of fruit quality.

Topping: The fruit enlargement period, when the new shoot grows to about 20 centimeters, the new shoot is severely picked (more than 1/2 of the new shoot). Controlling vegetative growth, regulating nutrient distribution, and other measures such as flower thinning, fruit thinning, and topping can not only increase yield, increase single fruit weight, but also promote and enhance flower bud development quality.

Picking leaves: Cherry leaves are hypertrophic, most of the fruits are easily covered, and it is difficult to see the light. The proper coloring of the fruit during the fruiting period is beneficial to fruit coloring, but it is not possible to pick too many leaves, so as not to affect the growth of the tree and the quality of flower buds in the following year.
Enhancement: Silver reflective film is applied under the canopy during the fruit coloring period to increase the illumination of the lower part of the canopy and the inner canopy, which is beneficial to fruit coloring.

Watering: After flowering, the fruit development is like the size of soybeans. Water should be watered in time when the fruit develops into the hard core, so as to prevent "falling yellow fruit". Watering requires a small number of times to avoid soil drought. After the fruit begins to color, try not to water or water, to prevent cracking.

Fertilization: During the fruit development period, foliar spray of calcium fertilizer and micro-fertilizer foliar treasure 800 times liquid, or high-mei 400 times solution, or Feng Baoling 200 times solution, increase the amount of fruit, increase solid content and coloring The degree of effect is significant.

Prevention of pests and diseases: Most cherry fruit diseases and pests begin to be harmed during the fruit enlargement period. Attention should be paid to pest control during this period.

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