How herbicides are used in tea plantations

Chemical weeding has the advantages of convenient use, good effect, and labor saving. However, it also has the disadvantage of polluting the ecological environment. Improper use can cause excessive pesticide residues in tea. Since weeds and tea trees are all plants, care should be taken when using herbicides to avoid phytotoxicity. At present, there are several broad-spectrum herbicides such as glyphosate, paraquat, thatch, and prometryn that are commonly used in tea gardens. Among them, glyphosate was most widely used, followed by paraquat.

1. Glyphosate: Glyphosate, also known as glyphosate, Nongda, Shibaoke, and farmer's music, is an organophosphorus-killing herbicide with systemic absorption and can be absorbed by plant stems and leaves. Guide, can kill the underground rhizomes of perennial weeds. The speed of killing the grass was slow, and it began to take effect 7 to 10 days after application. The performance showed that the leaves gradually turned brown and brown, and the underground part was rotted, and finally the plants died. Glyphosate quickly loses its activity when it enters the soil, so it is not effective against un-exposed weeds and must be treated with stems and leaves after the weeds have emerged.

Glyphosate can control a variety of weeds in tea gardens. The sensitivity of different weeds to glyphosate is not the same, so the dosage used is also different. 1 Controlling 1-year-old sensitive weeds such as crabgrass, Setaria virescens, Poa pratensis, Flourish, Aphrodite, Goosegrass, and Bazedgrass, and 10% glyphosate per hectare during the spring and summer weeds 3750 to 3500 ml of agent, or 3000 ml of 41% of Roundup water, 450 to 750 liters of water, directional spray on weeds in the tea garden. 2 to prevent weeds, aconite, bermudagrass, paspalum, Malan, plantain and other weeds, with 75% of glyphosate 7500 ~ 11250 ml per hectare, or 41% of Roundup 3000 ~ 5250 ml, Water 750 ~ 1125 liters, directed spray to the stems and leaves. 3 Control of weeds, ferns, wolverine and other weeds, with 15% to 15,000 ml of glyphosate solution per hectare, or 3000 to 3750 ml of 41% of Roundup water, direct spray of water to the stems and leaves.

In the use must pay attention to the following points: 1 glyphosate is a non-living herbicide, when the drug consumption per hectare exceeds 11250 ml, it will cause harm to the tea tree. When it is applied, the dose should be controlled, and the spray head should be depressed or A safety cover was added to the sprinkler to prevent the liquid from drifting to the tea tree to avoid injury. 2 Select a sunny or cloudy application, such as spraying 6 to 8 hours after the rain to spray. Do not loosen soil within 60 days to fully exert its internal absorption and conduction. 3 Adding 0.2% detergent or auxiliaries at the time of dispensing can increase the weeding effect. 4 After spraying, the sprayer should be cleaned to avoid the use of the same device to spray pesticides, fungicides, etc. and produce phytotoxicity.

2. Paraquat: Paraquat, also known as Gramoxone, is fast-acting as a quick-acting contact-killing herbicide. After application, it can be quickly absorbed by the leaves, and the leaves begin to change color after 2 to 3 hours. On sunny days, weeds begin to wither after 24 hours of medicine. The cloudy days are slow, but there is more time to absorb the medicine and penetrate the tissues. Weeding is more thorough. It is destructive to the green tissues of plants, but it does not conduct and does not damage the roots of plants and the stony stems. Weeds regenerate after application.

Paraquat can control a variety of biennial or monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous weeds such as cocklebur, green foxtail, crabgrass, commonweed, and leeches. In the summer and autumn weeds, the height of weeds should not exceed 15 cm, 2250 to 3750 ml of 20% water per hectare should be used, and 450 to 750 liters of water should be added. Wetting nozzles of the tea trees should be directed downward toward the weed spray. In the event of high temperature and rainy weather, weeds can be regenerated after 3 weeks of application.

In use, there are the following points to note: 1 This agent is a moderately toxic herbicide, the application of pesticides should strengthen protective measures, within 24 hours after spraying to prevent people and livestock from entering the tea garden. 2 Paraquat is a non-selective herbicide. It should be sprayed in the direction of young tea plants. It is necessary to prevent the liquid from splashing on the leaves of the tea tree to avoid injury. 3 The rain will still be effective 30 minutes after application, no need for additional spray. 4 After spraying, the sprayer should be cleaned to avoid the use of the same device to spray pesticides, fungicides, etc. and produce phytotoxicity.

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