Agricultural Products Quality and Scientific Rational Use of Chemical Fertilizer

China began to use chemical nitrogen fertilizer in 1901. For more than 100 years, chemical fertilizers have played a significant role in China's agricultural production. China has solved the problem of food and clothing for 21% of the world’s population, accounting for 9% of the world’s arable land. The advent of chemical fertilizers has enabled the input of crop nutrients in agricultural production to be supported by industrial production, which has greatly increased food production and ensured the rapid increase in population demand for food. At the same time, in China's peasant production investment, chemical fertilizer is the largest investment, accounting for about 50% of all production expenditures. With the rise of natural agricultural thought and people’s attention to environmental pollution, some people have now exaggerated the negative effects of chemical fertilizers on the quality, safety, and environment of agricultural products. This has led many people to misunderstand the role of chemical fertilizers and promote “organic agriculture”. , "Green food" and "pollution-free agricultural products," advocated a boycott of chemical fertilizers and switched to organic fertilizers. As we all know, organic fertilizers are carbonaceous materials derived from plants or animals to provide the main functions of crop nutrients. Inorganic fertilizers refer to fertilizers made by physical or chemical industry methods, indicating nutrients in the form of inorganic salts, and organic fertilizers need to be decomposed, transformed into an inorganic state, and then absorbed by plants. Therefore, whether it is for inorganic fertilizers or organic fertilizers, the form of nutrient absorption by plants is the same. The difference is that the nutrients of inorganic fertilizers are relatively single, the concentrations are higher, and the fertilizer efficiency is faster, while the organic fertilizers have more nutrient types and lower concentrations. Requires transformation, while organic fertilizer has a certain role in soil improvement. The scientific research results prove that the chemical fertilizer itself is harmless, because the harm caused by chemical fertilizer application is due to unscientific and unreasonable use of chemical fertilizer. Regarding the quality of agricultural products and the use of chemical fertilizers, the application of chemical fertilizers will have an impact on the quality of agricultural products, but whether they have a positive or negative impact will depend on the method of chemical fertilizer application. Excessive application of a single fertilizer will have a negative impact on the quality of agricultural products, but if balanced fertilization can promote the quality of agricultural products. For example, the effect of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer on amino acid content of rice is not worse than that of applying organic nitrogen fertilizer. As for phosphate fertilizers and potash fertilizers, they generally do not have a negative impact on quality. However, the issue of how to increase and supplement mineral fertilizers is mainly concerned. The excess of nitrate in agricultural products is mainly caused by the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer. Rational fertilization and balanced fertilization can greatly reduce the nitrate content. In addition, improper use of cultivation methods also tends to cause nitrate accumulation. For example, when using agrochemicals, large amounts of nitrogenous fertilizers and growth hormones are used to greatly shorten the growth period of crops (especially melons, fruits, and vegetables). Nitrogen in fertilizers cannot sufficiently form proteins in photosynthesis, resulting in a large amount of nitrates. Accumulated in fruits and vegetables. This is especially serious in plastic greenhouses with poor air circulation and reduced carbon dioxide. For example, spinach can be harvested in the field for more than 50 days in the season, and it can be harvested in the next 30 days. The former contains 690 mg of nitrate per kilogram of spinach and the latter 3,000 mg. As far as the effect of chemical fertilizers on soils is concerned, the main reason for using chemical fertilizers to cause soil compaction is to use a single fertilizer for a long period of time. Residual sulfate and carbonate react with calcium ions in the soil and cause soil compaction. Rational and balanced application of chemical fertilizers can maintain and increase soil porosity and water holding capacity, avoiding the occurrence of compaction. China is a large country with a large population. In the future, for a long time, the production of agricultural products still needs to rely mainly on chemical fertilizers for nutrient input. A sufficiently balanced chemical fertilizer input can not only meet people’s needs for the quantity of agricultural products, but also Can meet people's requirements for the quality of agricultural products. Fertilizer itself is harmless, and harmful is the unreasonable use of chemical fertilizers. On the issue of fertilizers, it is necessary to pay attention to the production and use of more high-quality, more efficient chemical fertilizers, promote scientific and rational fertilization techniques, and increase the utilization efficiency of chemical fertilizers.

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