Method for pouring slow-release seedlings of eggplant vegetables in autumn

The current cultivation of autumnal eggplant vegetables mainly includes tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, sweet peppers and other types. Such autumnal vegetables are usually planted in the northern region of China from late August to mid-September. Due to the higher temperature and more rainfall during planting, the seedlings after planting are prone to prosperous growth.

In production, many vegetable farmers resumed growth as soon as possible in order to promote the planting of vegetables, and the flooding of the planting water was implemented. The result was counterproductive, which increased the cost of watering and led to plant growth. In particular, heavy flooding and heavy rains added to the vegetables caused more damage to the soil. If the remedial measures could not keep up, even the seedlings died because of excessive soil moisture.

Prosperous plant performance is characterized by slender stem segments, thin leaves, soft stalks, and shallow roots on the ground, with reduced resistance to disease and easy lodging, directly affecting the early growth of strong seedlings, and increasing yield and quality. Therefore, it is an important measure to ensure the high yield and quality of autumn Yanwei fruits and vegetables.

Solanaceous vegetables are usually cultivated with wide and narrow rows of ridges, or ridged after setting up ditching and watering on flat land. Although the method of planting is different, do not flood with water when planting larvae. For wide and narrow row cultivation, the small ditch should be poured on the day of planting, and the amount of water should be connected to the bottom quail; after 4~6 days, the second easing of seedling water will be poured in the big ditch, and the amount of water should be increased more than the first time. , but still do not flood the water, the water volume can reach two-thirds of the depth of the trench.

After cultivating, timely cultivating loose soil can not only eliminate the soil compaction, eliminate weeds, protect the drought, promote the roots under the bar, but also promote the decomposition of fertilizer. 2 to 3 days after the first easing of seedlings, a shallow cultivator is performed with a depth of about 3 cm. After the second easing of the seedlings, follow up with the second cultivating tillage. The depth is based on the principle of not damaging the roots, generally 4-6 cm deep. After these two saplings have passed, it is generally not necessary to water until the first ear is sitting. In this way, the need for moisture in the early stages of vegetables can be met to ensure that the seedlings grow robustly and lay a foundation for the high yield and quality of vegetables.

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