Choose low-calorie, low-calorie foods

Myth 1: "No fat" and "No sugar" is no fat without sugar

Many weight-reducing people and diabetics like to buy foods labeled with sugar-free signs. In fact, such foods should be moderate. The so-called sugar-free, in fact, only low sugar content, within the limits of national standards, non-fat foods are not completely fat-free. It is recommended that consumers should eat and drink, especially diabetics and hyperlipidemia should pay attention. In addition, some consumers think that foods with low fat content can eat more. However, in fact, many food manufacturers have achieved low-fat standards by adding artificial flavoring agents. These artificial flavoring agents often inhibit the body's brain from giving out signals of satiety. When people eat these foods, they feel that they are not fully fed. Eat more and increase calorie intake unconsciously.

Myth 2: "Low fat" is low calorie

As soon as the word "low fat" is seen, many consumers feel that such products can be eaten on their stomachs. In actual fact, after professional inspection, most "low-fat" products are not necessarily low in calories. For example, yoghurt, which is generally labeled as “low-fat”, has a low fat content, but the heat generated by the contained sugar is almost equal to the heat of 5 pieces of sugar. Literally, it does meet the "low-fat" standard, but its heat far exceeds the "low-fat = low-calorie" that is usually our concept.

It is recommended that dieters eat more raw foods because they are healthier than many low-fat, low-sugar foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Myth #3: "No trans fat" foods have low fat content

Fats are divided into "saturated fats" and "unsaturated fats." Because "saturated fats" cause high cholesterol in humans, they are often unfavorable to human health, and "unsaturated fats" generally do not cause this problem. Although "trans fats" are "unsaturated fats," their special chemical structures often cause problems such as arteriosclerosis and thrombosis. For health reasons, food manufacturers are scrambling to remove the trans fats in most of their products, but in order to achieve product stability, in many cases, they use saturated fat instead of trans fats. The end result is that The soup does not change medicine."

As with sugar, foods with “trans fat” content in each serving that does not exceed standard requirements can be labelled “non-trans fat”, but behind it may mean more “saturated fat” + “trans fats. ". Dr. Susan suggested that consumers pay more attention to the ingredient list on the packaging label when purchasing food, compare the non-fat food with the standard food, and choose the food that suits them.

Fruit&Vegetable Powder

Fruit and vegetable powder also means fruit and vegetable juice powder. The making method is about first crush the fruit and vegetable to juice, then vacuum concentrate it, and then use high temperature to spray it to powder. Do not add any flavors and artificial colors. To a great extend retain the nutrition, color and flavor of plants and fruits.

Products are widely used in food, beverage, cosmetics, medicine, health food and other fields.

Apple Fruit Extract,Green Apple Extract,Sea Buckthorn Powder,Pink Grapefruit Powder

Xi'an Longze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. ,