Autumn health drink this seven bowls of porridge

First, you should drink black sesame porridge. Black sesame 6 grams, 50 grams of rice, honey amount, boiled porridge. Black sesame porridge has laxative effect, benefits five internal organs, and strong bones and muscles. Applicable to liver and kidney deficiency, virtual wind dizziness, wind phlegm, sputum, loose stools dry, after illness, emanate, premature white hair, postpartum milk, and other illnesses.

Second, you should drink fresh porridge. Glutinous rice 250 grams, fresh oysters 100 grams, add water amount, a total of Zhu Chengyu. Fresh oysters have the effect of heat and fluid, appetizers, cooling blood to stop bleeding. Fresh porridge is suitable for diseases such as lung and stomach, hot, thirst, bad breath, cough, hemoptysis, bruises, congestion and retention.

Third, it is advisable to drink cornmeal porridge. Cornmeal 50 grams, a little salt, add water, amount, boiled porridge. The cornmeal porridge has the function of adjusting the appetizing and diuretic and preventing the shower. Applicable to the loss of appetite or due to adverse gasification of triple burner caused by urinary deficient, and even urinary tract astringent, Shilin and other illnesses.

Fourth, you should drink white fungus porridge. Glutinous rice 250 grams, 15 grams of white fungus, add water amount, a total of Zhu Chengyu. White fungus porridge, with lungs and cough, Qi and kidney function. It is suitable for dry heat and cough, deficiency of both qi and yin.

Fifth, drink apple porridge. 500 grams of apples, 100 grams of sago and 100 grams of sugar, add enough water, and boil them together. Apple porridge with Sheng Jin, lungs, Chufan, Jieshu, stomach and other effects. Applicable to the lack of strength, nausea, indigestion, enteritis diarrhea, dry stool, high blood pressure and other illnesses.

Sixth, we should drink chrysanthemum porridge. Chrysanthemum 30 grams, 100 grams of rice, the first chrysanthemum Jiantang, juice and then Zhu Chengyu. Chrysanthemum porridge with scattered wind heat, Qinggan fire, eyesight and other effects. Applicable to autumn wind-heat type cold, irritability, dry throat, red eyes, swelling and pain and other diseases, also have good prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

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