Cotton white mold

Symptoms occur in the middle and late stages of cotton growth in various cotton areas. At the beginning of a single leaf vein network, the diameter is 3-4mm, and then it becomes an irregular polygon. The lesion is light green to yellow-green at the front of the leaf. A lot of hoarfrost-like conidiophores and meristems are produced at the corresponding parts of the leaves. Spores, severe disease leaves dry off.

The pathogen Ramularia areola Atk. called white spotted barn spores or cotton cysts spores, belonging to the fungus Amoeba fungi. The conidiophores are colorless and protrude from the dorsal stomata in bundles, mostly on the base of the branches, with odontoids on top, with a septum, size 23-704-6 (μm); conidia oblong, Sharply pointed at both ends, with 1-3 diaphragms, size 14-353.5-5.0 (μm), colorless. The sexual state is Mycosphaerella areola (Atk.) Ehrl. et Wolf called Mesococcus spp., belonging to the genus Ascomycotina, difficult to see.

Transmission routes and pathogenic conditions The mycelium overwinters on the body of the disease. When the spring conditions are appropriate, conidia are produced, and the conidia spread with the airflow, causing initial infection. The diseased department also produced conidia and continued reinfection. Temperature 25-30 °C, rainy and humid is conducive to the spread and spread of the disease.

Prevention and control methods (1) Dispose of the diseased body in time after harvesting, and bury or fatten it. (2) Plant resistant or resistant varieties such as BJA592, Acala1517RR, etc. (3) Begin spraying 50% Benomyl WP 1500 times or 36% Thiophene Suspension 600-700 times, every 7-10 days.

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