White jade snail plastic greenhouse cultivation technology

White jade snails are meaty, nutritious, high in protein, low in fat, rich in 20 amino acids, and also the best tonic for athletes. At present, domestic snail dishes have developed more than 200 series of ten series. Food snails can effectively treat more than 20 diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes, and extract snail enzymes (powerful medical and cosmetic raw materials) from snail mucus. Domestic snails cost more than 30 yuan per gram. In the past, our country relied on imports. At the time, $100 per gram. Three grams of snail enzyme can be extracted from the digestive mucus collected per kilogram of live snails. After the snail enzyme is extracted, the meat quality remains unchanged, and the snail viscera and shell are dried and crushed to make a high-grade animal feed.

First, land preparation and building shed

Will be 25 meters long, 6 meters wide ground plough 2-3 times, the soil is fine, the ground leveling, and then the breeding pool around the surrounding trench or made into a "T" shaped to escape the net. It is best to plant lettuce or oilseeds inside, and then put the arched plastic scaffolding on the cultivated fields, about 2 meters high. Two hundred thousand young snails of two months old can be stocked on this greenhouse, and 120,000 snails of five months old can be stocked.

Second, feeding and management and breeding

Choose domesticated snails that are robust and plump, have a clear shell pattern, have lots of mucus, crawl quickly, and weigh more than 35 grams. Feed plant foods and protein-rich animal feeds to promote the development of their gonads. Lettuce, pumpkin, sweet potato vine leaves, fruits, peels and other green feed, can be placed on the feeding surface, while rice bran, wheat bran and other fine feed and fish meal, cod liver oil emulsion, lotus root starch, etc. are put into the basin to feed, add Feed some shellfish powder, eggshell powder, bone meal and other mineral feed. Feeding must be regular and do not make hunger and food normal. The snails usually begin mating from late April to early May, usually at dusk, night or dawn. After spawning begins 10-15 days after spawning, eggs should be collected every 1-2 days and moved into the incubator in time. The incubator (which can also be used as a washbasin or flat-bottom tank) is made of wood and is usually 20 cm long, 10 cm wide, and 6 cm high. The bottom of the box is covered with 2-3 cm thick fine soil covered with gauze. Spray water every day to keep gauze and soil moist but not too wet. After 10-15 days, young snails are hatched. After another 6-7 days, they can be moved into the terrarium. In addition there are soilless hatching and cotton hatching methods.

From hatching to weighing 6 grams, young snails are mainly fed with shredded green fodder, such as fresh green leaves, supplemented with a little frying and soft fine feed, wheat bran, rice bran, and fishmeal, calcium powder, etc. can be stained. The cabbage is fed. Feed it once a day.

Shell snails 2-6 cm high, rapid growth, strong appetite. In addition to feeding fresh green fodder, such as green vegetables, sweet potato vine leaves, melon skin, you need to add appropriate amounts of rice bran, fish meal, shell powder and trace elements. Usually, it is fed once a day in the evening to keep the feed fresh, and its daily eclipse is 5% of its body weight.

Standardized Extract

SICHUAN UNIWELL BIOTECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. , https://www.uniwellbio.com