The production technology of sapling sprouts

Citron is rich in vitamins, a variety of essential trace elements, and has a high health care function, delicious and delicious, and is deeply loved by people. Toona sinensis sprouts are produced in three ways: sub-sprouts, seedling vegetables, and body sprouts.
I. Production of Toona sinensis Sprouts (Production of Seed Sprouts of Toona sinensis)
1, seed treatment. The best choice is to use red oil seed, which has high seed germination rate and good quality seedlings. Fresh sassafras species to breed wings, soaked in fresh water for 5-6 hours, soaked in 0.01% potassium permanganate solution for 15 minutes, from the disinfection, and then continue to soak with water, during which time with 20-25 °C warm water washing 2 times, Until the seeds of citrons absorb water, they are then allowed to dry. Use 3 layers of clean, damp cloth to wrap the seeds, put them in a container for light-induced germination, and rinse them with 1-2 times of warm water every day at 20-25°C during germination. Usually 4-8 days dew, you can sow.
2, sowing: In the disinfection of the nursery tray tile 1 layer of grass or non-woven fabrics or gauze, etc., and then spread 2.5 cm thick perlite, the buds will be sowing seeds spread on the sowing amount of about 150 grams per plate After sowing, the seeds were covered with 1.5 cm thick perlite. Finally, spray with warm water at 20-25°C and put on the cultivation rack.
3. Management: Spray 20-25°C warm water twice a day soon after sowing. The relative humidity of the air should be kept at about 80%, so as to avoid excessive water holding capacity of the matrix or water in the tray. In the first 3 days after sowing, the daytime temperature is controlled at 20-25°C and kept at 12-15°C during the night. After the teeth are arched out of the matrix, they are controlled at 18-23°C during the day. When the temperature is lower, the growth rate is slower and the temperature is higher. Growth speed, quality decline, easy to lignify. Generally 12-14 days, the cotyledon of 5-7 centimeters in shoot length has not yet been unfolded. The buds are thick and white and tender and the root tip is not yellow when harvested.
Second, the production of sweet potato seedlings (edible camphor seedlings)
Seedlings of Toona sinensis that have been obtained by continuing to see light on the basis of cultivating citron sprouts. Toona sinensis grows to thick yellow and tender, and when the cotyledons are fully expanded, they can continue to grow green. Cinnamomum oleifera grows well under low light and scattered light conditions and can be controlled by shade nets according to the weather conditions. Before harvesting, the plate is inverted up and down according to the seedling color. Usually after 2-3 days of light, the seedlings grow to more than 10 cm. The cotyledons are fully expanded and the true leaves are exposed.
Third, the production of savory sprouts (sprouts)
Toona sinensis buds are the buds of the camphor, commonly known as axillary buds. Its production process is to cultivate citron plants. The branches, roots and roots of Citron can be used for propagation, but the propagation coefficient is small, and the seedlings are of poor uniformity. Production generally uses seed to breed.
1. Nursery: Choose fertile, loose, and well-lit plots as nurseries, with 2-3 kilograms of seeds per acre. Cover 1-2 cm thick fine soil after sowing. Finally cover the plastic film.
2. Colonization: The planting time of citron was from deciduous in winter to before sprouting in early spring. About 3,000 plants were planted per acre. Green manures could be interplanted between rows and then turned into fertilizer. Winter warm greenhouses use seedlings, generally after the autumn leaves, the daily average temperature of 3-5 °C when transplanting seedlings, close planting, planting about 6000 per acre. Watering in time after planting.
3, field management: open field cultivation of citron, in the bud growth shoots during the growing period, each harvest 1 dressing 1, watering in time for drought. After harvesting 2-3 times, the dwarfing process was carried out in mid-July: from the middle and late July, 15% paclobutrazol 200-400 times solution was used, sprayed once every 10-15 days, and sprayed 2-3 times. You can control leggy, early cap and dwarf, increase dry matter accumulation.
Protected dwarf cultivated citron, plant adjustments should be made to promote branching. The seedlings that have just been transplanted into the greenhouse are not topped for the time being, because the stored nutrients in the xylem can be used to grow 1 茬 茬 茬 , 茬 茬 茬 茬 茬 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 。 。 。 。 。 。 When the Dioscorea citrifolia was picked, the top was topped and dried, and then sprayed with paclobutrazol once.
Bagging optimization technology: In order to improve the quality, when the camphor bud grows to about 5 cm, it can be covered with a black-and-red 2-layer polyethylene film bag to grow light. When it grows to 15 cm, the bag is removed. Outer bags can be used repeatedly.
4. Harvesting: When the axillary bud grows to 15-20 cm, it should be harvested. The basal 1-2 leaves should be preserved to facilitate the germination of lateral buds. The ground can be harvested 2-3 times and the protected area can be harvested 3-5 times.

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