Solid side cream side effects

Guyuan cream helps improve blood levels

Adequate blood and smooth meridian are the most basic conditions for physical survival and health. It will not change with the changes of the times, the improvement of material life, and the change of social status. Like a tree, whether it is ancient or modern, which grew thousands of years ago; whether it is grown in the royal palace or in the wild, its demand for growth is the SAMe. It is air, sunlight, and water. This basic need for survival will not change due to the different circumstances in which it lives, nor will it change due to changes in the dynasty, and it will not change due to the rapid development of modern technology.

The same is true for people. For thousands of years, the essence of Chinese medicine in treating diseases and preventing diseases is to supplement blood and meridians, and the methods we use today are also left to us by the ancients. Just as massage, massage, and moxibustion are based on the meridian doctrine invented by the ancients, diets are based on the attributes, efficacy, and taboos of various kinds of foods summarized by the ancients.

Therefore, whether the ancients or the people living in the present, regardless of whether you are a rich person, a high official or an ordinary citizen, whether you are a man, a woman, an old man or a child, the physical health needs are the same, and they all need to be treated by diet. To make up for blood and to clear the meridians through exercise and massage.

If you have uterine fibroids, it is not recommended to eat Ejiao Guyuan Paste. The reason is very simple. The blood will also stimulate fibroids to cause changes and increase abdominal pain.

The TCM reminds everyone that anyone can use cream tonics and how to eat better, and they all pay attention to it.

1 Clinical findings:

I don’t know from which day people began to eat “Guo Yuan Paste” and too many people were led by the principle of Ma Yuanmu “Guan Yuan Gao Bing Qi Xue”. It seems that any disease with blood weakness can eat Guyuan Paste. The harm caused by accidental misfortune directly spread to my clinic. As a result, my doctor, who was on the front line at the grassroots level, saw such patients every time. I listened to them like a tape recorder and told them about it. The propaganda should not continue. The theory of Gu Yuanyuan was misused, and after some adjustments, the problem of blood stagflation caused by the Guyuan cream was resolved and then healed.

The problem of solid yuan cream has to say!

The following is a summary of the three types of patients.

Situation 1: People with bad stomach.

Originally, the spleen and stomach were insufficient, and the appetite was not good. The stool was easy to urinate, and the complexion was pale, tired and weak, the tongue and tongue were fat and light, and the pulse was weak and weak.

Blindly listening to the Guyuan cream can replenish qi and blood. After taking it by mistake, the following symptoms occur:

“The appetite is getting worse, the stomach is full and full of stuffiness, the stool is thick and thin, and listless, the menstrual blood clots are increasing, the body quality is declining, and the stomach is not good. The result is eaten more and more, and the complexion looks pale...” Reflected directly in the outpatient department, outpatients have the most such patients.

Case 2: Women with cold uterus.

Originally the small abdomen was afraid of cold, one case of severe pain, severe dysmenorrhea, menstrual color dark, blood clots, waist sour, hair Shen, two legs are particularly cold, especially the cold feet, drilled into the bed for a long time at night All of them are cold. When they go to see a Chinese medicine doctor, they often get such information: "Hepatic and Kidney Deficiency, Blood Deficiency, and Blood Loss." After reading the book “The Godmother,” she thought that she was in great need of qi and blood. She began taking Guyuan Paste. The result was counterproductive and the following situations occurred:

"The increase in menstrual blood clots (because the ejiao in the solid yuan cream is a product of ginseng firming, if it is not combined with a drug that promotes blood circulation and warming, it will cause blood stagnation. Other red dates, rock sugar, black sesame seeds, and walnuts are all noxious. The products of greasy replenishment further aggravate the greasy and stagnant nature of Guyuan cream. After uterine cold women take it, it will lead to qi stagnation and blood stasis, blood clots will increase, dysmenorrhea will continue, even increase, abdominal distention and small bellies Swelling, and even nose bleeding (Tangtian cold condensate, virtual fire forced blood line), dry mouth, hands and feet continue to cool ..."

I went to the clinic to find me a doctor. I would also like to say a lot of words to pull her out of the “godmother” and then give her the medicine to warm the spleen, boost blood circulation, and dissolve the blood caused by the Guyuan cream, and toss it for a week. (More than two weeks later), then open the Chinese medicine to regulate menstruation.

Situation 3: Children with weak spleen and stomach

There is a group of children in the situation: Do not love to eat, do not gain weight, not long, poor health, easy to catch cold, small face sallow, green around the nose (Chinese medicine called the area around the nose called the gas pool, from here to see the coke Spleen and stomach foot deficiencies, typical performance of spleen and stomach deficiencies. When these children go to see Chinese medicine, most of the diagnoses they receive are "sickness of the spleen and stomach." After the parents read the related book, they began to apply for the same number of seats to apply for the children to eat. In particular, the book said: "A lot of parents responded that the children had good quality sleep after eating, and their appetites opened." There is no comparison between the quality of sleep, but the appetite is getting better. That's... Why did I not meet such a child?

The situation I encountered was like this: "A child with weak spleen and stomach eats Guyuan paste. After one month, the stomach is swollen, the stool is difficult to drain, the gas pool is blue, it is easy to catch a cold, and the temper is very big (the child with hot and humid body is easy In this way, like to mouth, eating is still not good, the appetite is getting worse..."


In a word, the solid yuan cream is too nourishing and is not suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, let alone delicate organs.

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