Enjoy breakfast 7 principles

For breakfast, lunch and dinner, breakfast is the most basic meal. Enjoy a balanced and balanced breakfast that will make you feel good every day. So, what principles do a reasonable breakfast need to follow?

1, should drink milk or soy milk every morning, supplement protein and calcium milk besides providing protein, still be the main source of calcium very important. The rest of the day is less likely to ingest milk, so taking milk as a daily breakfast drink is much more nutritious than drinking other sugary drinks. If you do not like to drink milk or malabsorption of lactose, you can try to drink more homemade soy milk, for the Oriental women, milk is actually more easily absorbed than milk.

2, breakfast calories should not be too much Breakfast intake depends on the body type, different ages will be a little different, but the intake of 400-500 calories is more appropriate, accounting for about one-quarter of the daily needs. But try to add more sugar.

3, before the breakfast should drink water after a night of sleep, consume a lot of water and nutrition, wake up in a physiological water shortage. If you only eat a regular breakfast, you will not be able to supplement physiological water loss. Therefore, do not rush to eat breakfast in the morning, but should immediately drink 500-800 ml of cold boiled water, both to supplement the moisture after the loss of one night, but also can clean the intestines, but do not drink more water before eating breakfast.

4. There are many food combinations that contain at least three major types of food for breakfast, but do not eat only one nutrient, at least include carbohydrates (such as toast, taro, rice porridge), proteins (such as eggs, salmon, tofu, etc.), and breakfast Milk, of course, if you can add more vegetables, the fruits will be more balanced.

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